
Ecology is emotional too

We know about ecology, its relationship between living beings and their habitat. However, studies show that ecology is also emotional and is known as an expression that refers to fundamental aspects for a healthy life in harmony with oneself and with the environment, says Gustavo Copelmayer. He adds that we owe this term to Mercè Conangla and Jaume Soler, experts in humanistic psychology and emotional management, who point out that emotional ecology allows us to manage our feelings by channeling energy to build a happy and sustainable life in a creative or unique way.

Emotional ecology is based on different principles, all of which tend to create a responsible conscience towards oneself and towards what surrounds us. Gustavo Copelmayer says that among the principles on which it’s based is freedom, responsibility, respect, prevention and the principle of conservation as an alternative related to regeneration.

An interesting way of being in the world or better stated, of living on this planet, is undoubtedly co-existence. A big mistake has been to believe that humanity could live disconnected from the rest of living beings, says Gustavo Copelmayer, because quite the contrary, in addition to our social aspect, we are part of a natural ecosystem and we owe so much to it.

“Mind and emotion work together to guide our actions in order to improve as individuals but also as members of social systems”, says Gustavo Copelmayer. In this way, the value ​​of responsibility is as important as that of awareness of the global emotional impact on the environment.