
SMEs and Green Technologies

Green technologies cover several aspects. Innovation and strategy are closely linked, since the implementation of Green IT solutions transcends the organization of companies, says Gustavo Copelmayer. Today, new technologies and environmentally friendly working methods are factors that generate growth for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs).

This sector of the economy must ensure its income, boost its profits, stay in the market, even in these times of crisis, and furthermore, strive to promote its eco-responsible image. In this sense, green technology refers to processes, technological means and working methods, says Gustavo Copelmayer. This initiative allows SMEs to reduce their energy costs, reduce the environmental impact generated by excessive energy consumption and to make the most of materials thru reuse and recycling of elements.

Many small and medium businesses have used virtual servers or hosting through service providers that allow them higher yields and lower consumption of resources. Some of them, says Gustavo Copelmayer, could be the centralization of data storage, as well as printing systems, digital files, among others.

During this time of pandemic, processes have had to be automated and remote and real-time work strategies upgraded, such as teleconferences, virtual assistance, pre-recorded training methodologies through different platforms and applications.

As per Gustavo Copelmayer, according to a study carried out recently, SMEs that use services that promote green technology (also known as Green IT), record better financial results than those that do not yet. For SMEs, the economic challenge of green computing is very important, since electricity represents 10% of the budget of some companies and this expense is constantly increasing.