
Treatment and management of water for reuse

Recovering water, whether used in the house, or industrial, requires adequate treatment to avoid being a source of contamination to streams and soils. “Nature cannot clean the waters at the speed at which society pollutes it, which is why special processes are required, and in most cases, very expensive” says Gustavo Copelmayer.

 Aquatic and terrestrial biota, the balance of ecosystems, the health of the environment and the 2% of fresh water that the planet contains, need this vital liquid to be able to preserve itself, says Gustavo Copelmayer. The main objective of basic wastewater treatments is the removal of most solid substances in order to sanitize the water and return it to nature.

The environment and the health of living beings are seriously compromised when wastewater is directly discharged, without proper treatment. Some of the negative impacts are the damage to the local biota populations, the depletion of oxygen present in the waters, the contamination of drinking water, the loss of crops, the poisonings, among others, indicates Gustavo Copelmayer.

Likewise, excess nitrogen or phosphates dissolved in water, as well as heavy metals, some inorganic compounds, microplastics, drug residues, cleaners, medicines and cosmetics can be toxic to local populations and bacteria, viruses and parasites generated by poor water management, can cause episodes of infestation and mortality, emphasizes Gustavo Copelmayer.

“In nature is the preservation of the world.”

Henry David Thoreau, American writer, poet and philosopher, surveyor, and naturalist.