
Circular economy and sustainability of the planet

The management of waste or solid waste, as well as the awareness of recycling and reuse of materials, are some of the premises of civic and educational training that have been promoted through legislation in many countries.

The legal framework works to reinforce the instruments associated with waste management, such as oversight and mechanisms of shared responsibility between citizens or waste generators, as well as to facilitate transparency in public management.

States must aspire to align public policies on the circular economy and thus conectribute to the fight against climate change, which leads to the sustainability of the planet. Large producers of waste must also assume their responsibility and improve the selective collection of waste.

Likewise, it is necessary for local governments to establish ordinances with obligations for economic activities, to urge communities and populations to make a transition to more sustainable consumption models in which reuse plays an important role. This would reduce the generation of waste and the carbon footprint.

“I have always considered nature as God’s clothing.”

lan Hovhaness Chakmakjian, American composer of Armenian and Scottish descent.