
The truth about bioplastics

Bioplastics are manufactured from organic materials, hence biodegradable materials, Gustavo Copelmayer assures. It can be conceived as an imitation or replacement of plastic, although it cannot really be named plastic, since it is not produced from oil.

The manufacture of biopolymers or bioplastics are intended for one-time uses, such as food wrappers, grocery bags, straws for sipping liquids, disposable cutlery or tableware, among others. The daily use of these highly polluting objects and waste generators with a high time for degradation, “estimates the period of definitive destruction of plastic in the environment at about 500 years”, says Gustavo Copelmayer.

There are a variety of plastics generated by the petrochemical industry, the most common are polyethylene, polypropylene, or ABS and PET, among many others. These plastics are not biodegradable and, consequently, their use leads to the generation of a large amount of waste.

On the contrary, the use of bioplastics, despite generating the same amount of garbage, does not entail an environmental problem, however, it would be necessary to think about whether the production of these elements that is obtained through vegetable products, (corn, soy or the potato) would not be eliminating, in turn, the possibility of ensuring food for humans and animals, reflects, Gustavo Copelmayer.

“Nature always watches over the preservation of the universe.”

Robert Boyle, philosopher of nature, chemist, physicist and inventor.