
Innovative organic products enter local markets

Consumers are increasingly aware and demanding of the preservation of the environment and ecological practices in industrial and even artisan production processes, says Gustavo Copelmayer.

Innovation in this area is being highly valued, even by the banking sector, who are betting on its development through credit and financial support. “It seems important to me to highlight the effort of those who have been successful with their products and brands from an ecological perspective focused on the environment,” emphasizes Gustavo Copelmayer.

The development opportunities in this sector meet the needs of the market with an environmental consciousness and are producing ecological detergents, personal hygiene products, urns or biodegradable coffins, and organic foods that require less energy and water in their processes. Likewise, Gustavo Copelmayer adds, furniture and accessories are being built from pallets or bamboo with a philosophy of special design, recycling and environmental conservation.

In this same trend, you find the food packaging manufacturers, objects to store and organize, reusable cotton bags that seek to become an alternative to traditional plastic bags, among many other ventures that have started with a local reach to transcend towards the world thanks to exports, says Gustavo Copelmayer.

“If I knew that the world would end tomorrow, I, still today, would plant a tree”

Martin Luther King, American activist for the civil rights of African Americans.

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