
Ecological actions for the day to day

“The desire to go green is not enough, daily actions are necessary from the home, workplace and community, says Gustavo Copelmayer. Some of the simplest green activities make a difference on a day-to-day basis. A simple action for the home is to place thermostats on air conditioners and heaters. It is necessary to know that this electrical equipment contributes to global warming and by making efficient the use of energy in addition to causing the least possible damage to the natural ecosystem, it will also reduce the bills in the family budget, warns Gustavo Copelmayer.

It is advisable to do without unnecessary appliances, change the light bulbs in your home for LED technology, since they have a useful life up to eight times longer and consume a fifth of the energy. Gustavo Copelmayer adds, that it is evident that cleaning products with bleach or ammonia are harmful to the environment, however, few people know that vinegar, baking soda, lemon and blue soap, produce similar effects without harming water and nature. Likewise, many products of daily use are very harmful to the environment and very little is said on this subject. For example, Gustavo Copelmayer points out, an alkaline battery can contaminate 100,000 liters of water when discarded, it is better to use rechargeable batteries. In the same way, a plastic bag takes more than a hundred years to degrade (use reusable bags when shopping, they are more resistant and fit more things)

“Land and water, the two essential fluids on which nature depends, have become garbage cans.”

Jacques-Yves Cousteau (1910-1997), French environmental explorer and popularizer.