
IT more relevant than ever

The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the role of new technologies and has made it clear that IT is the foundation for companies to create sustainable, competitive, resource-saving organizations, says Gustavo Copelmayer.

Among the actions taken by companies to deepen their production elements and preserve life, the automatization of processes for remote work, occupied a large part of 2020 company’s budgets that had not yet optimized their processes. Accelerating digital business requires efficiency, speed, and resources. In this sense, significant sums have been invested in the structural transformation of information technology hardware, software and processes says Gustavo Copelmayer.

Another aspect is the adaptation of business according to the environment. One of the ideas was to accelerate their strategies towards the digital world to promote transformation, make it more accessible and respect the environment with the use of clean energy as a factual reality or as goals of many companies and government agencies.

Gustavo Copelmayer adds that artificial intelligence engineering will create the performance, scalability and reliability of the models while offering a total value to the investments.

Likewise, one of the most important technological trends is data protection, generating a reliable environment for information processing and analysis, as well as data encryption and algorithms. This guideline allows organizations “to keep investigations secure without sacrificing confidentiality,” says Gustavo Copelmayer.