
Iceland reinvents itself

Akureyri is a city located in Iceland from which you can get a series of ideas to change the way some of us we take care of the planet. It has a population of 18,000 people and an innovative educational system focused on creating a better world thanks to its university. Iceland is known for its low emissions generated from homes, however, it had very high figures from residual emissions from consumption, especially in the transport sector. A decade ago, they established environmental policies that have made this city one of the most sustainable places on the planet. They reached this level after analyzing the residual materials that circulated through the city and tried to reintroduce them into a new sustainable system. With these studies and strategies, they were able to use waste materials for new purposes.

It is well-known that some countries have more ecological electric public transport systems than those powered by gasoline. However, you should know that in Iceland they have opted for used cooking oil to move public transport. Exactly the one you just fried the potatoes with. The transportation system is public and free for all inhabitants, which is a fundamental aspect of daily life in that country. This new system allows organic waste to biodegrade and the remaining nutrients can be used in agricultural activity. In this way, no artificial products that harm the environment are used. This town has helped reduce gas emissions that aggravate the greenhouse effect. Likewise, it has used resources for information campaigns on plastic pollutants and has managed to significantly reduce its use. Akureyri is a world reference that leads the environmental system in Iceland. We could think that a medium-sized city so geographically distant from the most polluting epicenters on the planet does not contribute significantly to carbon fluxes and does not impact climate change. However, their contribution is valuable and measurable, as well as innovative and influential in creating a cleaner world.