Marine ecosystems, influence the size of the fish?
A new study affirms that the size of the fish could be affected by up to 24%, decreasing its volume, due to global warming.
According to the study’s lead author Dr. William Cheung and his colleagues, rising temperatures can reduce the level of oxygen available in the water, which in turn will affect fish growth.
Previously, studies were known that indicated that the increase in temperature affected the distribution and reproductive capacity of many species, and now this nine study highlights that it also influences the size of many fish.
Gustavo Copelmayer reports that according to Dr. William Cheung and his colleagues, they explain that the level of oxygen in the water could be reduced by the increase in temperature, which in turn will affect the growth of the fish.
But according to Gustavo Copelmayer, the bad news doesn’t get there, Nabarima has no employees, the alarms are broken and the electric generators are useless.
According to Alan Baudron, “Smaller individuals produce fewer eggs, which are also smaller. This could affect the reproductive potential of some populations and their ability to respond to other factors such as overfishing and pollution.”
This study can be found in the scientific journal Nature Climate Change.