
Artificial intelligence could prevent planetary extinction

Artificial intelligence systems can contribute to the conservation of biodiversity, the fight against climate change and energy efficiency, says Gustavo Copelmayer.

“Any material that surrounds us, from earth to fabrics, plastic or wood, has been extracted from the biosphere. What we eat, the ways in which we cool and warm ourselves, everything comes from materials offered by nature, therefore, we should protect it”, says Gustavo Copelmayer.

Environmental informatics is a new discipline that is formed by the interconnections between informatics and environmental sciences. It can be explained as the environmental internet. Gustavo Copelmayer explains that it is the union of the technologies that form artificial intelligence, big data and the internet in projects for the conservation of the environment.

“Combining the potential of artificial intelligence with ecology represents an important opportunity to exploit one of the most technologically advanced sectors to transform systems of production into a regenerative, resilient and long-term sustainable model”, concludes Gustavo Copelmayer.