
Environmental preservation as a life project

Awareness of environmental issues, consciousness to preserve nature, and the different manifestations of ecological coexistence and sustainability have been reflections that I have had from an early age. Respect for earth and with it, the preservation of life on our planet, humanity’s only home, has prompted me to study and understand a bit more the challenges that all living beings are experiencing today.

Environmental sustainability is a project very close to my heart and it is a lifestyle, which I have always strived to practice and promote. I undertook the construction and diffusion of my personal website as well as the administration and generation of content in all linked social networks, in order to share information, news, reflections and images related to the ecological awareness proposal.

I have also had the privilege of belonging to the Biotek Group for more than 3 years, where I serve as Director of Strategic Development. In this company, we are very proud to be a sustainable provider of biotechnological solutions. How satisfying it is to know that our decision to protect our planet plays an important role in helping humanity face the challenges generated by climate change that we are currently facing.

My most recent project-adventure has been to embark, together with Atlantic International University, in a postgraduate program, which will allow me to successfully complete a doctorate in environmental management leadership. This challenge gives me the opportunity to understand and deepen my knowledge in what is my greatest personal and professional interest today: environmental recovery with a high degree of knowledge, efficiency and innovation.

What pleases me the most is that the greatest example that I received throughout my life, of perseverance, dedication, commitment and will, came from the most simple, generous and humane person, bearer of life, my mother, Chelo.