
Ecological life?

Before answering, you will surely wonder what it means to have an ecological life? The simplest definition would be to assume a more natural lifestyle based on sustainability, respect and care for the environment any way we can, says Gustavo Copelmayer.

In essence, having an ecological lifestyle that is sustainable and can be measured by having the least impact on the environment. Instead of observing and criticizing the actions of people, corporations and governments, let’s change our habits and actions so we can live in a better planet. In other words, let’s be environmentally responsible.

Deciding on an ecological life, says Gustavo Copelmayer, has the following advantages:

1. We protect biodiversity by guaranteeing the maintenance of natural habitats and not over-exploiting resources.

2. It is very positive for your health because choosing organic foods instead of processed ones, you are eliminating salts and sugars from your diet, as well as packaging and even chemical residues.

3. It improves your self-esteem. If you consume what you need and not due to the influence of fashion or the market, or if you recycle, you are reducing the amount of waste you generate and, therefore, you know that you are not contributing to the deterioration of the environment.